Kitaab Bushraa L
Ah’baab Wa L Khulaan Bimaa Thabata Fii Anna Shaykh Ibrahim Inyaas Huwa L
Mujadadu Fii Aadhaa Zamaan (Book Of Glad-Tidings To The Beloved And
Dissenters, On What Has Been Firmly Established, That Shaykh Ibrahim Inyaas
(Rta) Is The Revivalist (Of The Sunnah) Of This Era/Time)
Culled From:
Kanzu L Awlaad Wa
Dhuraarii Fii Taareekhi L Ajdaad Wa Diyaari Min Qabaa’il Al-Fulani Al-Ahraari Wa
Dhikri Ansaabihim Al-Akhyaar (Treasure Chest Of
The Sons And Scions, on the History of Progenitors and Dynasties of the Itenirant Fulani Tribe and the Recounting of their Virtuous Race & Clan)
The Great Scholar
And Eminent Teacher;
Abdullah Popularly
Called Babayaro Sambo Ibn Sambo Kulwa,
From the Organisation of Our Master (Shaykh) Uthman Ibn Fodio, Light of The
Times (May Allah Enshroud/Immerse Him In His Mercy)
Written In: Fulani
(Fulfude) Language
In Which He Points
To/Predicts The Emergence Time Of The Assistance And Deputy Of The Great Seal,
And Of The
Expected Leader,
Imam Al-Mahdi (May
Allah Be Pleased With Him) With His Statement; May Allah Enshroud/Immerse Him
In His Mercy, Ameen
Publisher: Aliyyu
Kabeer Mai-Kayan-Faydah Zaytawa
Printing Date:
June, 2009 (Jumadah Thani, 1430)
A Gift From Sidi
Muhammad-Nadheer (Nazirbayi) Ibn Shaykh Basheer Ibn Shaykh Modibo Aliyu Janbu
Of Gombe, >>To Isma’eel Bakare
Translated (Into
English Language) By:
Muqadam Sulayman
1) Miteema ALLAHI muwwadi Salatu # Duunulaadu
wa me nana jundu Mahdi
2) Guddu gurkawaawi naga tun liidu gur gal #
UUnatu jama’aar wuudu waluubi Mahdi
3) Gurku un bu nuwurtu tun wuddi gur gal #
Kanku tukiibi makkiiwii mabi Mahdi
4) Tuawangi unuun hilaamiibi muwdun # Saffa
walana gu’uutu fuusayni Mahdi
5) Hitaadi min Sharafi gurku uuni wanginuti #
Kanku Ballo wa Mawdu jama’aan Mahdi
6) Gurku uun tiida mawdi fayafya duudi # Imma
buluul jamaydu fuunaandi Mahdi
7) Nuddunubu balju waara mau’uku numaodi #
waba ra minuka mawdi gitti muusuuruudi
8) Uwna yudunnan ziyaara burnaadu tagli #
unidisa ruuji makku saruuji Mahdi
9) Sharafuddeen buu njamuuri makku # Ibrahima
widi ballo wa Mahdi
10) Gimi dii saffu gam jamuidu gaayum # balli
limqal diisu aan jamdu Mahdi
1st Verse:- I thank you Oh Allah,
and (I) invoke blessings on the prophet # Now, draw nearer,
oh questioner on the Imam al-Mahdi.
2nd Verse:- A man will emerge from
the lands of the west, and that man and his hordes of
followers will help the Mahdi on the upliftment of the religion, and
eradication of disbelief, innovation and illegality.
3rd Verse:- That man will
emerge/appear/appear from the (far) west and his followers will be the nation/people of Mahdi.
4th Verse:- When this man appears,
you all and your leaders will/should not follow anyone
better than him by following his orders due to the decadence of issues, and
corruption of affairs except for the Mahdi. That is, issues will not be
resolved nor solutions proffered except by him, due to the deterioration of
affairs and sectionalisation of all.
5th Verse:- In the year of
manifestation of his exaltation of the faith (MIN SHARAFIN), coinciding with the year 1370 in the numerical tables of
Abjad, and that is counting from the hijrah of the Prophet (SAW), and that is
indicative of the reference from the earlier lines followed by these lines
wherein he said Sharafu Kanku, and that means he is the great helper/assistant,
with his followers, to the Imam al-Mahdi.
6th Verse:- The man has a wide
radiant forehead, with a sign on his face. Understand this,
Oh Questioner! on the Mahdi’s attributes.
7th Verse:- He is Black-skinned,
full bearded and wide-chested with piercing dark eyes like those of a cat.
8th Verse:- That man will
frequently visit the best of men (Muhammad) and his parents’ name will be like of Imam Mahdi.
9th Verse:- Sharafuddeen is his
agnomen (alias)/nickname truly, for that man is the personification/embodiment of virtues, and great-tidings, for he
will bring grace & honour to the deen (religion) of Islam after it will be
dirtied and downgraded, as if he is the Imam Mahdi himself. Ibrahim is his
name,and he is the greatest of all helpers to the Imam al-Mahdi.
10th Verse:- These ten verses
‘meaning these ten lines/couplets I composed’ because of the
questioner just like the first ten lines before it; i.e. just like the first
ten line for line, equally word for word, letter for letter except for the
ranging/rhyming in which in which both poems differ, and the
meanings of these ten lines are just like that of the ten before them.
End-Note from
My father Thambo
Kulwa ibn Ahmad ibn Mujail got the meanings from Shaykh Uthman directly and I
(Babayaro Sambo) got it from my father directly and Allah knows best. Peace.
Many of the saints have found it so, and its
likeness. So he was nicknamed “Muhyideen (Reviver of the Religion)”. Amongst
the Angels and Spirits, just as he was nicknamed as Mujaddid
(Reformer/Revivalist) and Nur Zamaan (Light of the Age) amongst men and Jinns
(Genie). Thus did my father, Muhammad Sambo ibn Ahmad ibn Mujeel cull/quote it
from his revere brother Abu-l-Hassan, Abdullah ibn Fodio (May Allah be pleased
with him) expressly, just as my father earlier mentioned informed me. Then
followed them Izzatu-deen, dear brother, youngest of brothers. (Izzatu-deen:
was his revered brother Abu-l-Hassan, Abdullah ibn Fodio, and that was his
secre/hidden name, and because of that he became importantly reverently endowed
amongst men).
Then Sulayman who was above the Axial Saints
(Awtaad) or over them. This Sulayman was a Taraqi descendant/born, contrary to
what many of them assumed; that he was Sulayman Shutli, Emir of Kano, who had
reigned/ruled jurisprudeilly over the axes (awtaad) amongst the saints, whose
pedestals was higher than that of the Nujabah and Nuqabah (saints), regardless
of the and others beside them. One of them is given/made the authority, as the
Pole of (all) Poles who is also. The Succor (Gawth) and Owner of the Era at all
times, and is never removed/absent at all times, until the blowing of the first
trumpent, and the of the believers from the light of the time, or Shaykh
(Master) Uthman expressly/directly just as I reported/culled it from my father
earlier mentioned.
“Abdul-Waliyy” is his son Muhammad Bello, and
that is his secret/hidden name and because of that he controlled the affairs of
muslims and many (other) people. He achieved total acceptance over and above
all his peers and contemporaries. Then followed or came ‘Abdul-Mawd’ meaning
‘Abdul-Kareem’ for the meaning of Mawd (with letter
‘mim’ having a (b) fatiha diacritical vowel and letter waw (w) having a sukun
(silent) vowel is the replacement of letter Dal (D) in Fulani/Fulfude language
it means Kareem (Honourable) or Kabeer (Grand) he was an Arab by tribe, from
the Sulaiman Arabs, with letter Kaf (k) having fat’ha, vowel (a) and sin (s)
having sukun (silent) vowel and letter lam (l) having fat’ha resident (of
‘kaslat’) and from amongst the Arabs of Tukara (of birth/tribe) spelled with Ta
(t) having dumma mark (u) vowel and ra (r) having having (a) vowel, both places
are in East Africa, i.e. White (part of) Africa near the salty sea. So said
Abul Hassan, Abdullah ibn Fodio for he said repeatedly, as Shaykh Uthman told
us when asked for additional explanation that he was of the Arabs of the kaslat
country residents, and among the Tukara-born Arabs.
Shaykh Uthman also told us again “but all of
us, we and all those earlier mentioned are all underlsubjects of the Pole of
all Poles (Qutbul Aqtaab) who is the solely-unique unifying succor and he is
the owner of our times just as Imam Mahdi being expected is under the rule of
the succor of his era and the owner of his time whenever he (mahdi) appears as
it is in the books of unveiling”; and the questioner (of Shaykh Uthman Fodio)
was his brother Abul Hassan, Abdullah ibn Fodio, and all these are living
saints still on the surface of the earth now (alive).
As for those who came after them, they are
Ibrahim, who ennobled the religion (Sharafuddeen), and that is his alias and
hidden/secret name, for the religion (of Islam) was ennobled in his time.
Shaykh Uthman was asked further explanation on him and he said ‘he is amongst
the people of the West (Maghreb)’ and he gave detailed explanation to the
extent that Shaykh said concerning him ‘he is most assuredly/probably the
intended in the Prophetic Hadith ‘The Hour will not arrive until a man will rise/emerge
from amongst the people of the West, his father’s name will be as mine and his
mother’s name will be as/like mine, he will fill the land with justice just as
you fill vessels’’. And in another report “…….until a man emerges from the
West, his father’s name will be the same as mine and his mother’s”’.
I will quote lines (of couplets) filled with
explanations of his attributes, as composed by Shaykh Uthman in this regard, by
GOD’s will, in which Shaykh explained his attributes in detail after these
lines. And Jamalil Badri’s (Fullmoon’s beauty) is Hussamu-deen (Religious
Radiance) which in Arabic means ‘wide or extensive’. Shaykh Uthman, the
composer (of the lines) was asked about this Jamalul Badri, and he answered
saying ‘he is probably/assuredly among the great helpers of the
earlier-mentioned Ibrahim or he is the Imam Mahdi himself, all of which is
authentic’. He did not explain/expound any further.
As for the above-mentioned Hussamu, he is the
one granted the seal of the perfected saints on religious pedestals. Shaykh
Uthman was asked about this Hussamu and he said; ‘He is the expected Imam
al-Mahdi, the Jihadist that was mentioned as being under the rule/authority of
another, despite his perfect liberation and complete unveiling and the many
manifestations of his celestial (heavenly) and terrestrial (earthly) miens, but
he is the Amir (Administrator) of everything in his time from the perspective
of a reigning king, and not from the perspective of the pedestal of ruling
authority, gnoscism and secret manifestations.
A year from his Hijrah (Migration), peace and
blessings be upon him, Sharfu Kanku emerged. The meaning of the phrase ‘Sharafu
kanku’ is the year 1370. Shaykh Uthman was asked for further explanation on
this, and he said ‘that year is the year of emergence of Ibrahim, who is the
greatest helper of the expected/anticipated Imam al-Mahdi, but GOD knows best,
of his strivings, battles, struggles and armies, with the polytheists,
infidels, atheists and people of hypocrisy’.
I have completed these ten lines on gratitude
or for GOD. And I send invocations of peace on the unique child whose parents
had no other (birth) before or after him. That is the meaning of the word
‘Bajju’ in Fulani/Fulfude language, just as earlier noted in my father’s book
‘Al-Kanz (The Treasue Chest)’. Explanation of this is that he is the one I
invoke blessings on, the owner of this Muhammadan nation, our master, Leader
and Prophet, Muihammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
Note that the explanation of these
lines/couplets, I culled/got from my father just as my father got it from
Shaykh Uthman directly, may ALLAH enshroud them both in his Mercy, when I
sought his help on the translation of these ten couplets/lines and others, from
amongst the Fulani/Fulfude poems found in this book composed/written by Shaykh
Uthman extensively. Thus my father got other Fulfude poems/compositions from
Shaykh Uthman directly especially from the hidden mysteries/secrets therein,
not because he (my father) is deficient in the Fulani/Fulfude language, for he
is free of wants from others in the Fulani language because of his
total/perfect command and understanding of it. Wa Salaam (Peace).
Among the poetic compositions of our Shaykh
Uthman ibn Fodio, may ALLAH immerse/enshroud him in His mercy, written in the
Fulani language in which he indicated/referred to the attribute of the
earlier-mentioned Ibrahim, in ten lines before this, when he was asked for
further explanation on the afore-mentioned Ibrahim when he was mentioned in his
presence in these lines where he said; ‘On the controversy of Ibrahim
Sharafuddeen….(to the end)’. Again, may ALLAH immerse/enshroud him in His
mercy, Ameen.
(From the writings found in the book
“Treasure Chest of the Sons and Scions on the history of the Progenitors and
Dynasties of the Itinerant Fulani Tribe and the Recounting of their Virtuous
Race & Clan {Kanzu L Awlaad Wa Dhuraarii Fii Taareekhi L Ajdaad Wa Diyaari
Min Qabaa’il Al-Fulani Al-Ahraari Wa Dhikri Ansaabihim Al-Akhyaar}” authored by
the eminent scholar, the realter of the master of masters, the erudite
Jurisprudent/Jurist, the expert and exponent, the complete Arif (gnostic);
Muhammad Sambo ibn Ahmad ibn Mujail popularly called Sambo Kulwa, the Fulani; Jugadi
Toro Widdi Kulwa, al-Bakuwwi (Died in the year ‘Hamrash=1248’ from hijrah of
the Prophet (SAW), aged 72. He was one of the great companions of Shaykh
Uthman, may GOD be please with min and all the believers, Ameen and Ameen)).
Completed to the thanksgiving of GOD, and the
goodness of His help. May His peace and blessings be upon the prophet (SAW).
Translated by: Muqadam Sulayman Odetayo

alaykum, brothers and sisters.
I am Sulaiman Adeyemi Odetayo. My aim is to walk the talk, which I have been encouraging you all to do too. Active participation was the Prophet's way not just in religion but Politics as well. He was the head of state, for the nation of Islam.
I am Sulaiman Adeyemi Odetayo. My aim is to walk the talk, which I have been encouraging you all to do too. Active participation was the Prophet's way not just in religion but Politics as well. He was the head of state, for the nation of Islam.
Prophet Sulaiman was also another man of God who combined spiritual life with political leadership like his father prophet Daud.
These are amongst the few I hope to emulate.
need your spiritual, financial, moral and other kinds of support,
hoping never to detail from the path, by Allah's leave.
Thank you all.
Sulaiman Adeyemi Odetayo
WhatsApp: +2348033724427
WhatsApp: +2348033724427
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Sayidat Rabiat Adawiyat (RA) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi) |
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A Practical Guide on the Wird (Litany) of the Tariqah Faydah Tijaniyyah (The Adherent's Handbook) Sayyidah Bilqees Bolajoko Grillo at-Tijani |
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2. Majmuu' kutubu Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
3. Jaami'u salawaat alaa Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
4. Sullamu l muhibeena ilaa hadrat khairul Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
5. Salat qadaa'i l hawaa' Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
6. Sirrul asraar fii salaat alaa Jaami'u l Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
7. Mataalib al abd fii salaat alaa afdal mash' Seyyid Hussein ibn Ilyas al-harazimi.
8. 'Awaa-idu l barakat fi fawaaidul waraqaat min hadrat Mawlana al-Arif billah Shaykh Aliyyu Harazim
9. Jihazu Sarih of Sheu Gibrima
10. Hizbu suwar al Sheu Gibrima
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3.Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse's Annual Mawlid Nabiyy Lectures at Senegal - Arabic text & English Translation.
4. Selected Prayer Poems (Qasaa'id) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse from Kanzul Masun - Arabic, Transliteration & English Translation.
5. Jawahir Rasail (A Collection of Priceless Expositions via Letters "Letters 1 to 10"): Diamond Sparkles - Arabic text, English Translation and Commentary by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse
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11. Afdalu Salawaat ala Sayyidi Saadaat – ‘Arabic collection of Salat upon the Prophet’ (Shaikh Yusuf ibn Ismaa'eel an-Nabahani)
12. Kanzul Masun wa luuluu l Maknuun – ‘Arabic collection of prayers written by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse. Compiled by Imam Hassan Cisse’.
13. Ahzab wa Awrad (Litanies) of Shaikh Ahmad Tijani
Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh
Balarabe Haroon Jega - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
2. Rihlat Konakriyah (A trip to Conakry), Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
3. Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
4. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
5. Kano Conferences (Majlis Kano) and the khutba titled (Hadiqat al-Anwar fii ma ihtawa alayhi qawaaid al-Islam minal hikam wal asrar) - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
Katsina and Kaduna Conferences (Jadhbul ahbab ila hadrat Rabbil arbab)
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7. A Brief Biography of the Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass
al-Kawlakhi" – (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)
9. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)
10. Muassasah Nasr al-'ilm Int. (AAII) Magazines No. 13, 14 & 15 (with Articles like Outline of Life of Sufi Heros & Heroines like Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse, Shaikh Abdus-Salam Oniwiridi Pakata, Shaikh Muhammad Bello Eleha, Shaikh Ahmad Rufa'i Nda Salati, and others...this magazines also features other interesting Articles).
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