By: Muqadam Sulaiman Odetayo{Abuu Ahmad}
-(I am writing again!).
-The image seen in the mirror only came to be through the medium called light.
-So God is “The Light”, one of His 99 Beautiful names.
-To lay emphasis on this, He says in suratu-n-Nur {Q24:35};
“-God is the Light of the Heavens/Skies and the Earths.
-The similitude of His light is like a wall niche, in which there is a lamp.
-The lamp is in a glass (or globe).
- The glass is like a shining sphere/globe radiating from a blessed tree, a date-palm with neither of the (rising point) east nor (setting) west.
-Its oil oft give radiance, such that even if GOD does not touch fire to it, it is even Light-upon-Light.
- GOD guides to His light whomsoever He wills.
-And God narrates parables for men, for GOD knows all things.”
(1) The Transparent-Glass parable
(2) The Silvered-Glass parable or The Mirror analogy{mentioned earlier}
(3) The Truth {Al-Haqq}
-However before going deeply into each, a brief consideration of the nature of Light is imminent here.
-Experts, artists and scientists generally agree that {a spectrum of} white light is made up of 360 different colours.
-This can be easily proven by passing the spectrum of white light through a transparent glass prism set at a certain distance, with a white board at the other end.
-At the appropriate distance, the image received on the board is in the order Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet {The 7 colours of the Rainbow}.
-If an advanced prism is used, the colours will give us 360 different hues and shades.
-A remarkable fact is that this value represents the angle sustained by a complete sphere or circle {360degrees}.
-This sphere or circle represents the Dot of Existence {Nuqtatil Kawn} from which all life sprang.
-This Dot is both apparent and latent in both situations.
-This is the Utmost sagacity.
-In explaining that HE is the Light, GOD uses the parable of the Lamp, earlier quoted.
-The Lamp fire is GOD in His original nature or essence.
-The transparent glass is a veil, because the light seen through it is no longer naked light, but difussed through the transparent material of the glass which can be touched or felt.
-This glass represents GOD’s agent, i.e. Angels, Prophets, Scriptures, etc.
-They are part-physical and part-spiritual creations.
-Their luminosity is not personal, but what appears revealed to them from the “Source of Light”.
-The glass is encased in a lantern, placed in a wall niche.
-That lantern stands for faith in GOD or religion, while the wall niche stands for men’s world.
-The wall itself may be likened to the entire universe.
-Hence, our world is but a wall-niche on the wall of all of GOD’s creations.
-However, HE is not only in the centre of things but pervades and permeates all these, just as the light shines through lamp, the glass, the lantern, the niche and on the wall.
-The oil fuelling this radiance is the knowledge of GOD which is integral to His essence; such that without showing the full glare of His light , the oil is in layers {of light upon light} which causes it to give endless light.
-The blessed tree is the Lote Tree said to be under the throne {Al-Arsh} of GOD, which is neither east-ward nor west-bound.
-The root of the tree is GOD’s Original Desire {Iraadatul-Asli} to create.
-The stem of the tree is His power to create {Qudrat}, from which springs the branches which can be likened due to their diversity to the myriads of worlds of GOD’s creations in their plentitude.
-The leaves are GOD’s species in each world.
-The flowers represents the parent genders male and female in each species and sub-species.
-The fruits are the offspring which represents a culmination of/and manifestation of GOD’s wish, power and knowledge.
-The fruits GOD told Adam, the first man to eat and thus gain the knowledge over and above all Creature.
-The seed of this knowledge {fruit} is the Love of GOD, a most elusive yet most sought after item.
-Yet, the oil from this seed is the substance of layers of GOD’s secret till eternity.
-Thus, in each of these seven stages;
from the SEED, through the ROOT, to the STEM, to the BRANCHES, through the LEAVES, FLOWERS, FRUITS, back to the SEED {and finally its OIL} that light is ever present and all-encompassing.
-Hence, the brief meaning of the statement:
-In splitting the Light, the colours of the rainbow which are seven in number, represents the seven firmaments of the heavens, as well as the seven layers of the Earth and the seven days of the week.
-Each of those colours corresponds to the nature of the Celestial and Terrestrial Angels, assigned to each days. They are as shown below:
*Celestial Angels {Malaa'ikat al-Ulwii}|
*Terrestial Angels {Malaa'ikat as-Suflii}|
*Stars {Kawaakib}|
*Gem/Minerals {Ma'adin}
* Celestial Angel = Raukayaaheel
* Terrestial Angel = Madh’ab
* Star = Shams {Sun}
* Gem/Mineral = Dhahabi {Gold}
* Celestial Angel = Jibreel
* Terrestial Angel = Marah
* Star = Qamar {Moon}
* Gem/Mineral = Fidah {Silver}
* Celestial Angel = Shamsayaaheel
* Terrestial Angel = Ahmar
* Star = Mireekh {Mars}
* Gem/Mineral = Nihaas {Copper}
* Celestial Angel = Meekaa’heel
* Terrestial Angel = Burqaan
* Star = ‘Ataaridu {Mercury}
* Gem/Mineral = Zu’ubaq {Mercury}
* Celestial Angel = Sarfayaaheel
* Terrestial Angel = Sham’haruush
* Star = Mushtaree {Jupiter}
* Gem/Mineral = Qasdeer {Tin}
* Celestial Angel = ‘Anyaaheel
* Terrestial Angel = Zuubiha
* Star = Zuhara {Venus}
* Gem/Mineral = Hadeed {Iron}
* Celestial Angel = Kashfayaaheel
* Terrestial Angel = Maymuunah
* Star = Zuhila {Saturn}
* Gem/Mineral = Rasaas {Lead}
-GOD is One and absolutely so.
-His nature consists of His Essence {Dhat}, His Attributes {Sifaat} and His Deeds {Af’aal}.
-These threefold explains respectively the Oil, the Light and the Radiance.
-His names are various shades of this amalgam.
-The need for a name or names was thus born out of identities of each shade.
-They each indicate separation of different powers, at various stages, in diverse degrees of His Eminence in manifestation.
-GOD’s powers are manifested in and as, His creations.
-Each of these creation carry His Light in different forms of diffusion.
-This is a summarized explanation of the parable of Light, with regards to the transparent glass.
-When you look in the mirror, what do you see?!
-The “image” in that mirror is said to be a virtual replica of the original object, according to scientists, especially experts on optics.
-A mirror may be defined as “a transparent glass, with one side silver-coated such that when you look through the uncoated side, what you see is exactly is your image”.
-However, that image is virtual, because your right side appears as the left and the left appears as the right.
-Hence, that image is not really you in reality, but you in virtuality {appearance}.
-Now, the mirror is the material world of creation.
-Allah {SWT} may be likened to the Gazer, while Man is the image that appears.
-No matter how exactly like your image appears, is it really you?
-In this case we are looking at a piece of Glass with one side silver-coated, such that the other side reflects.
-GOD is the object, while His creations are the images reflected in the glass.
-Light is the object and the radiance is the image created.
-As closely as related as the duo are, they are distinctively different from each other as explained above on the formation of virtual images by a mirror or silvered-glass.
-In GOD’s presence, creations are made and without Him, never.
-The physical laws of nature support this subtle, sublime yet simple fact.
-Experts on optics agree that light travels in straight lines {Rectlinear propagation of Light}
“-Then look again: “Can you see any rifts? {Qur’aan 67:3}”
-and He has not placed therein any crookedness! {Qur’aan 18:1}”
-This means that His Light directly connects Him to all His creatures.
-The revolutionary discovery of the pinhole camera bears out and lends credence to this fact. {Camera is Arabic for Pinhole or small rounded hole}.
-The pinhole camera works on the maxim that even when the source of light is a point-source or pinhole-sized i.e. {Nuqtatil Kawn - Dot of Existence}, the image is formed will be sharpest.
-As the light forming images travels in straight lines, for a mirror, it becomes not only a matter of reflection but diffused creation.
-This was and still is the origin of the technological advancements in the field of lasers and fibre-optics.
-The speed of light combined with its intensity, creates images that may be a million-times far-removed from the point source.
-Yet it remains just that: images.
-That is the difference between GOD and his creature; man.
-The discovery/knowledge of these revolutionary facts leads to the belief that though creations may differ, they originated from a single source, an point-source of Light.
-This is Pristine Monotheism in its most sublime form.
-All creatures originated from GOD, the source of Light.
-Prophet Sulayman {AS} converted Queen Bilqees to this Islamic monotheism by showing her various forms of GOD’s power.
-But the final straw, and the most outstanding fact, nay the turning point of her conviction was her walking on a glass surface.
-History, Scriptures and {even Myths & Legends} have it on record that at his invitation she came to his palace and saw many marvels granted to him by GOD.
-But when she was asked to cross his courtyard, she raised her regalia from her feet so as not to get it wet from the reflecting & sparkles “water” on the floor.
-In the reality, it was not water on the floor but solid mirrors yet the effect produced was the same.
-So in reality solid, liquid & gaseous states are the same.
-When Balqees saw this, she became convicted of the Queen convinced of the Oneness of the source of it all; Monotheism.
-Hence, she proclaimed Islam at that instance.
-Though a powerful Queen in her own right, she saw her helplessness in the presence of Sulayman, meaning that there are more marvels to GOD in His agencies, than man will ever realize through eternity.
-And in the mirrors, she saw not the reflections of a Queen in all her grandeur and splendor, but a creature reflecting a Creator.
-This is the truth.
-Man is a reflection of GOD, like many other creatures, but unlike these many others, he is the sharpest of all images formed {albeit virtual} being from the point source {Nuqtatil Qawn}.
-Man is the greatest manifestation of GOD’s creative abilities.
-The Truth {Al-Haqq} is one of the 99 beautiful names of GOD.
-Today, various shades of the truth exist.
-Many contend that if GOD were one, how come there are so many shades?
-The simple answer can be found in this succinct saying of a renowned Sufi, Jalaludeen Rumi : -
“The Truth is like a mirror, broken into a myriad of splintered parts each unto itself a whole”.
-What this is saying is that when a mirror is broken into fragments, each fragment still remains a mirror by itself in all ramifications.
-The fragments may differ in size, shape & strength, but each remains a mirror.
-That is likeable to all creations originating from a single creator.
-That is why GOD has allegorically hands, feet e.t.c, yet very unlike His creatures.
-To further explain this, lets look at an instrument called kaleidoscope.
-It consists of broken fragments of mirrors joined together to form different angular images or reflections of a singular object placed at its centre {360degree}.
-Thus, a kaleidoscopic view provides all the different images produced by the fragments all at once.
-If a singular object can produce so many images, then GOD is the object producing the different creatures, from His oneness {wahdaniyya}.
-This is Monotheism and this is the Truth.
-The Truth is that GOD created all creatures.
-So, in a sense they are His images.
-Yet, they differ from Him and from each other, like different kaleidoscopic images of the same object.
-Life begets life in all things.
-The Truth is that the radiance of a single sun can be seen in a countless number of different places at once.
-Yet the sun remains but one, illuminating million of stars.
-The Truth is that a single seed of a plant can produce trillions, nay countless numbers of the same seeds in replica through cultivation or pro-creation.
-The Truth is that a point-source of Light can be used to create laser-beams of various shades of intensity and brightness especially using mirrors.
-The Truth is that a single mirror can produce countless others from breaking and fragmentation of that original mirror.
-The Truth is that the billions of men inhabiting the earth are the seed of one man: Adam, and so it is with all animals through procreation’s multiplicity.
-The Truth is that all things will end because they had a beginning, except one: GOD {Who had neither beginning nor end}.
-Yet, this One GOD neither changes even for a fragment of a micro-second; but manifests Himself in various forms, places, times, manners, temperaments, things and shades.
-Thus, the place of man is to know all these, accept and adapt himself to it and glorify GOD for being part of it all.
-“This is the Truth of all truths”.
-Everything has its origin in Light.
-Even darkness which is the absence of Light, because light has always existed.
-Every piece of existence possesses life, whether in obviously animate form.
-Such as in Flora {Plants} and Fauna {Animals}, or in inanimate forms such as land-forms and seas.
-Life is said to have been possessed only by GOD, The Original Light.
-Every living thing, animate or inanimate had a point when it started to possess life, so it must have a time when life will depart from it.
-These are called birth and death times.
-Only GOD has neither, for being THE EVERLASTING, He always possessed and will always possess life.
-Life as we know it, was said to have been given to all creatures from water according to the Qur’aan.
-This is why there is no living thing , animate or otherwise that does not have a distinct particularly unique relationship with water, {even fire!}.
-So, “Life comes from water” or “Water is life” is a profound truth.
-It is no coincidence that the largest numbers of living creatures are in the sea.
-Evolutionists and Scientists postulate that all animals evolved from water, albeit in a round about way.
-Though their arguments and explanations are constantly been challenged, {and sometimes debunked} by new discoveries and findings, but there is a deeply subtle element of Truth to it.
-GOD says “The skies and earths used to be like a seed or egg containing water, it was broken and rent asunder, and from the water ensuing forth from it, life was given to all creatures”.
-The nucleus or yolk is the life-force of all creatures throughout their life-cycles, whether as singular unicellular protozoan or as complex animals or plants.
-This is the {Nuqtatil Kawn} Point-source of light from which life is generated for all creatures.
-Taking {Water} liquid as an example, it is made up of combined molecules of 2 gases i.e. Oxygen and Hydrogen.
-Each of these gases have their bases atoms said to be the smallest indivisible units of substances or elements.
-Atoms are made up of electrons, protons and neutrons which are in essence units of light/energy.
-Thus, Light is the origin of Gases, as Gases are origin of Water and Water is origin of Life {animate}.
-Life is the origin of {most} creatures, and most times it precedes birth.
-So, the source of Light was living, even before Light was born.
-If we therefore look at the creation of the world from darkness, before GOD said “Let there be light”, this does not mean that light was not in existence.
-If it had been so, GOD would have said “Let’s create something, call it Light, and bring it forth”.
-Let there be light only means, allow the {Hidden} Light to become manifest.
-This brings about the Big Bang Theory.
-Some scientist and atheist argue that in the beginning of time, there was a Big Bang of explosion, and when all settled, water formed and produced living creatures.
-I say the only “Big Bang” was God’s voice in the eternal silence “BE!” {KUN!}, and the explosion was not a chance event as the scientists wrongly say, but a breakage of the egg, which produced the heavens, the earths and the water of life, in response to GOD’s order.
-That is the acceptable truth to evolution.
-Today, nuclear scientists agree that the process of breaking the atom involves huge amount of energy.
-This is called, in radioactive circles “Nuclear Fission”.
-It is the technology behind the formation of the atomic or nuclear bombs e.g. the Hydrogen bomb.
-When used, it generates a big bang or explosion like “In the Beginning”.
-{But unlike it, the resultant effect is death not life. Therein lies the secret of GOD’s wisdom}.
-However, if we take it that “the end of the beginning” is “the beginning of the end” or that where something ends, another begins, then it is the start of another form of life.
-So, in essence “nuclear fission” creates new life forms yet to be understood by man’s fickle intelligence.
-Nuclear energy is fast becoming the most viable option for generating Light {or energy} all over the world.
-On this lies the salvation of the world.
-This is no coincidence but by GOD’s leave and design.
-Scientific and Medical advances like cloning and breaking the genetic code hinge on understanding the deep undercurrents of “Light” i.e. understandings of GOD and His secrets.
-Albert Einsten’s relativity theory was regarded as a giant leap, a step in the right direction, but in actual fact is just a peep into the monumental abyss of GOD’s knowledge.
-Knowledge is light, indeed.
-A single step has been placed on the way to that knowledge, but the truth is that a thousand steps remain to the Light.
-The Way, the Truth, the Light are closely related as Jesus Christ {Al-Maseeh ‘Eesa} ‘AS’ was said to have said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Light”.
-The Light is the origin of all things.
-So, we must trace all things to their origins.
-This is the only Way and this is the Truth.
-This way is a very straight path/road {sirat al-mustaqeem} because “Light” travels only in straight lines.
-So, as men we have to keep asking GOD to keep guiding us on/unto the straight path {Ihdinaa siraatal mustaqeem}.
-This path is what Islam represents.
-If we accept that there is still a great deal of things we do not know {such as solution to Fermat’s Last Theorem, the cure for HIV/AIDS, cracking of the genetic code, the remedy for cancer and the language of the birds, etc}; and that GOD knows all these and more, then the logical conclusion is to ask Him to shed light on them for us.
-That is the Way, the Truth and the Light.
-Today the production of Light is the key to virtually all things.
-Fluorescents, Globes, Bulbs, Laser beams etc only imitate what GOD has given in parables.
-All of technology follow suit, from Aerodynamics, to Ultrasound Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, from electromagnetic technology to Fibre-optics, Radioactivity, Thermodynamics and Astronomies in which man imitates nature.
-This field of knowledge is called “bio-metrics” meaning “imitating life”.
-Then if we are able to get the true solution, we must imitate what has been laid out : ASK GOD FOR IT.
-That is the Way the Truth and the Light.
-A merger of man’s scientific knowledge to his understanding of GOD’s scriptures is a step in the right direction.
-What remains is the “How’’ for the Devil {shaytan} is dogging man’s foot-steps in realizing this dream, every step of the way.
-{we seek God’s protection against him (Shaytan)}.
-The Light works with the aid of the sound.
-Listen to the voice of GOD by turning into the right wavelength and frequency of His manifestation; via Righteousness.
-When the spirit is that pure, then we shall “see” GOD, nay the Light of GOD and hear the sound it produces.
-Then dawns understanding.
-If we relate scientific knowledge to GOD’s gnosis as the first step, then further steps include seeing the Light, hearing the sound, feeling the weight, smelling the fragrance/aroma and tasting the flavor of HIS essence {amongst others}.
-The fear of GOD is the beginning of Wisdom and the Love of GOD is the end of Sagacity.
By: Muqadam Sulaiman Odetayo{Abuu Ahmad}
By: Muqadam Sulaiman Odetayo{Abuu Ahmad}
***Alhamdu-lillahi Rabbi-l-aalameen***
{All praise and thanks are Allah’s, the Lord of the worlds}
Thank you all.
3.Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse's Annual Mawlid Nabiyy Lectures at Senegal - Arabic text & English Translation.
4. Selected Prayer Poems (Qasaa'id) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse from Kanzul Masun - Arabic, Transliteration & English Translation.
5. Jawahir Rasail (A Collection of Priceless Expositions via Letters "Letters 1 to 10"): Diamond Sparkles - Arabic text, English Translation and Commentary by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse
6. Tahniah (Congratulatory Ode) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse to the Prophet Muhammad (Part 1) – Selected, Transliterated & Translated by Alhaji Abdul-Quadri Okeneye
10. Sirrul Jaleel fii l Khawaas 'Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal Wakeel (by Shaikh Abul Hassan Shadhili)
11. Afdalu Salawaat ala Sayyidi Saadaat – ‘Arabic collection of Salat upon the Prophet’ (Shaikh Yusuf ibn Ismaa'eel an-Nabahani)
12. Kanzul Masun wa luuluu l Maknuun – ‘Arabic collection of prayers written by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse. Compiled by Imam Hassan Cisse’.
2. Rihlat Konakriyah (A trip to Conakry), Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
4. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
5. Kano Conferences (Majlis Kano) and the khutba titled (Hadiqat al-Anwar fii ma ihtawa alayhi qawaaid al-Islam minal hikam wal asrar) - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
9. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)
10. Muassasah Nasr al-'ilm Int. (AAII) Magazines No. 13, 14 & 15 (with Articles like Outline of Life of Sufi Heros & Heroines like Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse, Shaikh Abdus-Salam Oniwiridi Pakata, Shaikh Muhammad Bello Eleha, Shaikh Ahmad Rufa'i Nda Salati, and others...this magazines also features other interesting Articles).
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alaykum, brothers and sisters.
I am Sulaiman Adeyemi Odetayo. My aim is to walk the talk, which I have been encouraging you all to do too. Active participation was the Prophet's way not just in religion but Politics as well. He was the head of state, for the nation of Islam.
I am Sulaiman Adeyemi Odetayo. My aim is to walk the talk, which I have been encouraging you all to do too. Active participation was the Prophet's way not just in religion but Politics as well. He was the head of state, for the nation of Islam.
Prophet Sulaiman was also another man of God who combined spiritual life with political leadership like his father prophet Daud.
These are amongst the few I hope to emulate.
need your spiritual, financial, moral and other kinds of support,
hoping never to detail from the path, by Allah's leave.
Thank you all.
Sulaiman Adeyemi Odetayo
WhatsApp: +2348033724427
WhatsApp: +2348033724427
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Sayidat Rabiat Adawiyat (RA) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi) |
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A Practical Guide on the Wird (Litany) of the Tariqah Faydah Tijaniyyah (The Adherent's Handbook) Sayyidah Bilqees Bolajoko Grillo at-Tijani |
1. It'haful muhtaaj bi tarfat al hajj fi salvation alaa saahibi Shaikh Abubakar Atiku
2. Majmuu' kutubu Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
3. Jaami'u salawaat alaa Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
4. Sullamu l muhibeena ilaa hadrat khairul Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
5. Salat qadaa'i l hawaa' Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
6. Sirrul asraar fii salaat alaa Jaami'u l Sheikh Aliyyu Harazim (kano).
7. Mataalib al abd fii salaat alaa afdal mash' Seyyid Hussein ibn Ilyas al-harazimi.
8. 'Awaa-idu l barakat fi fawaaidul waraqaat min hadrat Mawlana al-Arif billah Shaykh Aliyyu Harazim
9. Jihazu Sarih of Sheu Gibrima
10. Hizbu suwar al Sheu Gibrima
11. Nataij Sheu Gibrima
12. Itbaau Sheu Gibrima
13. Sidratul Sheu Gibrima
14. Tazyeel wa Sheu Gibrima
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1. Sayyida Fatimat Zahara (The Rose): The Beloved Daughter of the Holy Prophet (SAW) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
2. Sheikh Ahmad Tijani and his Spiritual Path (Tariqat) - (by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
3.Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse's Annual Mawlid Nabiyy Lectures at Senegal - Arabic text & English Translation.
4. Selected Prayer Poems (Qasaa'id) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse from Kanzul Masun - Arabic, Transliteration & English Translation.
5. Jawahir Rasail (A Collection of Priceless Expositions via Letters "Letters 1 to 10"): Diamond Sparkles - Arabic text, English Translation and Commentary by Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse
5. Handbook for Every Tijaniyyat - (Compiled by Sayyid Ahmad Bello As-Suufi Harazimi)
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4. Diya at-Ta’wil fi Ma’ani at-Tanzil (hafs)...Published copy the tafsir by Abdullahi bin Fodio
5. Shifaa Qadi Iyadh (warsh)
2. Quran...written in warsh style with hausa leather pouch
3.Quran....very old (500years old) handwritten manuscript...written in warsh with hausa leather pouch
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6. Fii Riyadh Tafsir of Sheikh Ibrahim Niasse (7volumes)
7. Majmuu’at at-ta‘areef bi Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse (7volumes)
1. Dala'ilu l khairat of Shaikh Sulaiman Jazuli (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
2. Hizbu Sayfi & Hizbul Mughni (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
3. Hizbul Bahri (Arabic text, Translation, Transliteration by Imam Marooph Raji)
4. Hizbu Suwar al Manee'hi – ‘Arabic (composed like Hizbu Sayfi)’ (by Shk. Muhammad Gibrima)
5. Sidratul Muntaha ad-daa'een– ‘Arabic’ (by Muhammad Gibrima)
6. Jihazu Sarih – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shk. Muhammad Gibrima)
7. Tibbul faa'ihi – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shk. Abdul-Waahid Nazeefii)
8. Nataa'ij Safar – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shaikh Muhammad Gibrima)
9. Itbaau Tazyeel – ‘Arabic prayer book on Salatul fat’hi’ (by Shaikh Muhammad Gibrima)
10. Sirrul Jaleel fii l Khawaas 'Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal Wakeel (by Shaikh Abul Hassan Shadhili)
11. Afdalu Salawaat ala Sayyidi Saadaat – ‘Arabic collection of Salat upon the Prophet’ (Shaikh Yusuf ibn Ismaa'eel an-Nabahani)
12. Kanzul Masun wa luuluu l Maknuun – ‘Arabic collection of prayers written by Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse. Compiled by Imam Hassan Cisse’.
13. Ahzab wa Awrad (Litanies) of Shaikh Ahmad Tijani
Vessel of Spiritual Flood, Translation of Goran Faydah by Shaykh
Balarabe Haroon Jega - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
2. Rihlat Konakriyah (A trip to Conakry), Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse - (Translated by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
3. Shariah and Haqeeqah: In the Light of the Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
4. The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse Al-Kawlakhy (Compiled by Khalifah Awwal Baba Taofiq)
5. Kano Conferences (Majlis Kano) and the khutba titled (Hadiqat al-Anwar fii ma ihtawa alayhi qawaaid al-Islam minal hikam wal asrar) - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
Katsina and Kaduna Conferences (Jadhbul ahbab ila hadrat Rabbil arbab)
and Mecca Conference - (Translated by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
7. A Brief Biography of the Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse (Compiled by Sayyidah Bilqis Grillo)
Risalat at-Tawbah (Epistle of Repentance) of Shaykh Ibrahim Niyass
al-Kawlakhi" – (Translation & Commentary by Dr. Razzaq Solagberu)
9. Islamic Law of Inheritance, by Sayyid Ali ibn Abubakar al-Muthanna ibn Abdullah Niasse (Translated by Dr. Sulaiman Shittu)
10. Muassasah Nasr al-'ilm Int. (AAII) Magazines No. 13, 14 & 15 (with Articles like Outline of Life of Sufi Heros & Heroines like Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse, Shaikh Abdus-Salam Oniwiridi Pakata, Shaikh Muhammad Bello Eleha, Shaikh Ahmad Rufa'i Nda Salati, and others...this magazines also features other interesting Articles).
11. Numerous “English” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft copies - to be sent via email)
12. Numerous “Arabic” Sufism & Tijaniyyah Tariqah E-books/Journals/Articles (soft copies - to be sent via email)
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